Cassondra “Cassy” Felton-Tufty

Cassy Felton-Tufty

Pronouns: She/Her

Cassy has been involved with Digital Grail since its inception. She has been a ConChair and Consul with CoreCon since year one; heading up Registration, Volunteers, and Costume Contest before becoming a Consul assistant and Consul in 2018. Has volunteered at Anime Fargo and attended Fargo GameFest. She was elected to the Digital Grail Board in 2016 and has served as President since 2021. She grew up in a business and owned one for almost a decade, she brings business knowledge along with a love for all things geek culture.

Outside of Digital Grail conventions (when not at the job that pays the bills) you can find Cassy using creative energies to develop the next costume, seeking out another convention to attend, planning a solo backpacking trip in the wilderness, volunteering with other non-profit organizations, Kayaking, hiking, or spending time with her husband, three adult children, and German Shepherd Maverick.