Drone Policies

Digital Grail and it’s conventions are not responsible for any damages that occur to drones.
Digital Grail and it’s conventions are not responsible for any damages that are caused by drones.
All drones must be controlled at all times.
Loss of control is not a valid excuse for drone mismanagement or damages. You as the owner/operator are responsible for your drone.
Drones are allowed in common areas and Party Rooms/Fan Suites with permission of the Party Room/Fan Suite staff.
Drone operation must follow Digital Grail and the convention’s rules for consent and harassment. 
Camera equipped drones must follow Digital Grail and the convention’s rules for any photography and videography. 
Any unwelcome or secret attempts to take video or photos of unwilling or unknowing person’s can/will be considered a violation of Digital Grail’s policies regarding drones and photos/videos.
Violations of these rules can result in banning your drone and/or a convention badge revocation.