Taylor “Ginger” Beierle

Taylor Beierle

Pronouns: He/Him

Taylor has been a part of the convention scene for over 10 years, and has been staff of conventions since he co-founded Anime Fargo whose inaugural convention was 2014. He’s been very passionate about making sure Anime Fargo, and now all Digital Grail conventions, have succeeded in becoming better and safer conventions for everyone to enjoy. He has held a variety of positions at conventions; convention head, guest liaison head, ceremonies head, and advertising head. He’s attended all Digital Grail conventions at least once, and has thoroughly enjoyed them.

Outside of Digital Grail and it’s conventions, Taylor loves games of any kind (video, board, card, etc) and engages in some light streaming. Taylor has attended numerous non-Digital Grail conventions such as Anime Detour, Anime Fusion, Galaxy Con, and Star Wars Celebration to name a few. He spends a lot of time with his wife and son, and their 2 bunnies.